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Over 500 Million Yahoo Accounts Hacked


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Last week Yahoo announced that 500 million of their accounts were hacked and were sold to internet criminals. These cyber criminals are going to use this information in a variety of ways. For instance, they will send phishing emails claiming you need to change your Yahoo account password. Although these scam emails look legit, assume they are not. If you have a Yahoo account, YYTECH suggests you do the following:

  1. Open your browser and go to Yahoo. Do not use a link in any email. Reset your password and make it a strong and complex password.
  2. If you were using that same password on multiple websites, you need to stop now. Using the same password for multiple logins is an invitation to get hacked. If you did use your Yahoo passwords on other sites, go to those sites and change the password there too. Also change the security questions and make the answer something complex.
  3. Watch out for any phishing emails that relate to Yahoo in any way and ask for information.

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